Primal Spirit logo - Buddha eyes Nepal temple

If you have an intractable problem, a challenge you must master, or a block to your desired destiny where all traditional experts and conventional techniques have failed you, then Primal Spirit can be the solution you seek.

Make spirit primal & be fully you. Unlock the unlimited being within you.

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Here and now at Primal Spirit, our unique, innovative approach to holistic healing integrates techniques & wisdom from many years of study and practice of ancient Vedic knowledge from India, Shaman energy medicine from the Andes in Peru, and the newest and constantly evolving channeled tools from awareness with Divine infinite Source intelligence.

Primal Spirit’s primary human healer has been given the spiritual name, Anand Moksha, which means transformation & liberation thru bliss. Many divine beings, spirit masters, powerful energies and consciousnesses will become key collaborators in your healing and awakening journey with us.

Most recently, Anand has received advanced training, sacred initiation, and Divine Authority as a Pillar of Light in Service and Earth Keeper by the angelic Creator beings of this Universe known as Elohim.

As an authorized Pillar of Light in Service, he can now offer very powerful and divine energy transmissions of the pure Love of Creation to people, other living beings, circumstances and places where permission is granted.

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As an initiated Earth Keeper, with the direct assistance of the Elohim and other Divine beings, he can clear harmful & stuck energies and make attunements to energetic grid of Mother Earth and to specific places like sacred sites, nature power spots, or places of historic trauma.

Anand Moksha is constantly learning, growing, integrating and developing new methods to push the boundaries of what is possible. Anand & his Spirit guides are dedicated to evolving consciousness and facilitating your highest health and happiness. Let us assist you in choosing and creating a world and life you love.

Anand does not seek or desire followers, fans, disciples, or worshipers. Instead, he facilities the transformation of fellow souls to journey toward their infinite potential and potency. Your new chosen destiny awaits!

Now you can benefit from the many years and many lifetimes of searching, suffering, effort, study and intense practice of Anand Moksha and his profound abilities and knowing that he continues to develop since his awakening.

Contact Primal Spirit now to begin your journey facilitated by Anand.

Changing beliefs and other energy healing & clearings can benefit all areas of a person’s life. People have reported benefits from these spirit & energy tools from many conditions such as Autism, ADHD, possession, limiting beliefs, fears, allergies, traumas, PTSD, abuse, confidence, enhancement of abilities, public speaking, finances, fertility, mindfulness, peace of mind, happiness, depression, relationships, sexual dysfunction, sex enhancement, soul mates, phobias, self-worth, changing one’s life, smoking and other addictions, pain, fibromyalgia, OCD, etc…

Packages - Sessions - Contribution

In exchange for these amazingly powerful transformation services, an appropriate level of contribution is required for fairness and the greatest buy in and benefit for you the client.

* For very special circumstances and special people who are committed to creating a better world, a sliding scale discount based on ability to pay and need can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. Make your case and state your need and ability to pay via email:

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An initial complimentary half hour consultation and introduction of process is granted to serious potential clients only.

The minimum package includes 7 one hour sessions by phone or online video for $10,000 USD over a period of no less than 4 weeks and no more than 6 months. This includes 8 hours of Divine Energy Transmissions that take place as you sleep as long as you are a client.

The suggested package includes 10 one hour sessions by phone or online video for $13,000 USD over a period of no less than 4 weeks and no more than 6 months. This includes 8 hours of Divine Energy Transmissions that take place as you sleep as long as you are a client.

For emergency needs, in person, hands on body work, and more rapid results contact Anand privately, email:

We can create a special package and design special arrangements to fulfil your needs for those who desire maximum results at a pace and place of their choosing.

All packages & sessions must be paid in advance. For online packages, we use so Primal Spirit will never have any personal information stored in house to protect clients from hacking and other nonsense. For special packages, in person sessions, and alternate payment methods please email:

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Individual sessions are discouraged as energy work requires time to trickle down into the material world and for people to notice results. However, under special circumstances the contribution would be $10,000 USD for 2 hours.

All sessions will require you to be fully present in a quite environment and demand your maximum attention for at least 60 minutes.

The first session will require an additional 30 minutes to make introductions and explain the process if this initial complimentary consult has not occurred.

Remote sessions can be as effective as in physical form, however if desired, hands-on body work, face to face healing & processing, energy transmissions thru touch and in person clearings and cleanses for bodies & spaces can be arranged with added costs for travel & extra time required.

The details must be discussed, agreed to, and paid in advance with Anand privately.

When traditional experts & conventional techniques have failed you, then Primal Spirit is the solution for you.

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Schedule your initial consult, purchase a package, or ask a spiritual question with this email:

All other questions or difficulties should be directed to this email:

* For very special circumstances and special people who are committed to creating a better world, a sliding scale discount based on ability to pay and need can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. Make your case and state your need and ability to pay via email:

*** Coming Soon! -   Primal Spirit will be creating specially generalized clearing, belief changing, and Divine Energy downloads in the form of energetically charged digital products that can be mass produced and sold at deeply discounted prices to allow many people to receive the many benefits of the amazingly powerful transformation services offered by Anand Moksha. ***

You may contact us to suggest topics and issues to address your needs:


Anand photograph

Anand Moksha is a phenomenal Shaman, storyteller, Earth Keeper, holistic healer, Channel of Divine energies, transformational leader, excellent executive facilitator, life coach, master of energy medicine, master energy worker, spiritual healer, spiritual advisor and healer to healers.

Schedule your initial consult, purchase a package, or ask a spiritual question with this email:

All other questions or difficulties should be directed to this email:

© 2017, Primal Spirit   All rights reserved.   USA

All concepts and content in this site are copyrighted and the property of Anand Moksha & Primal Spirit. Terrestrial photos by Kyle Schmierer are copyrighted. Space photos by NASA and Japan Space Agency are public domain.

For questions or information about this site and Primal Spirit, email us at Support.

Cambodia, Buddha face, lotus, floating pink Hibsicus flowers - live aligh love quote